There is no doubt that the favorable aroma of baking pies and cookies and all the holiday food still makes our mouths water. But in our increasingly time-starved lives sometimes a person has to come up with ideas and work around the long hours of baking and preparing those meals.
Family traditional holiday meals continue to fit into almost all of our lives but for the host, it can be overwhelming. Especially for the other people in our lives that drop by for a quick visit.
So if you are pressed for time during these holiday seasons here are a few ideas that will keep your guest content and enjoy. Not to mention less stressful for the host.
A display of organic bamboo cutting boards filled with a variety of snacks can temporarily fill in the gap between lunch and the evening meals.
Crackers, goat cheese, grapes, and a variety of nuts can take care of those hungry wanderers.
Don’t forget the wine or juice or perhaps some hot chocolate to wash it down within some beautiful holiday glasses.
A snack board has something for everyone and this Organic bundle of three is the perfect tool for cutting, chopping, and serving.
OH! And don’t forget the Candy Canes.